Zaga Athlete Gaby Herrera - Ironman (again)!

As if we doubted for a minute, SHE DID IT! Gaby is once again an Iron(wo)man! This is the 3rd time she has completed this full 140.6 mile triathlon on this Texas course. Gaby finished 7th in her 30-34 age group. Read on to hear about her experience, and prepare to be inspired!

Ironman Texas 2022 Race Recap

~ WHAT. A. DAY! Over 2500 athletes took part in this race and took on the course on Saturday April 23, 2022 in The Woodlands, Texas. This was my third time doing this race so I was familiar with the course and was feeling really grateful to have an opportunity to start the season with one of my favorite races. This year, like every other, was filled with unforgettable moments and taught me many lessons throughout the day. 

The 2.4 mile swim took place in Lake Woodlands, which leads to a narrow canal along the waterway. The swim start is one of the most exciting parts of an Ironman. Excitement , adrenaline, happiness, uncertainty; all the emotions building until you take off into the water. My goal for the swim was to start out strong and maintain a good pace throughout the entire distance. I was thrilled to swim a new personal best. From there I ran quickly through the transition, grabbed my bike and began my favorite part of the race… bike!

The 112 mile bike course takes you from downtown Woodlands to the Hardy Toll Road, which is a highway that connects to the city of Houston. We had to complete two loops in and out, and a back section of the highway which including a few overpasses. I divided the course into smaller 20 mile sections and followed my race plan to consume 3 bottles containing all my fueling needs, including water and supplements. As the bike progressed, I had to readjust my pacing and nutrition strategies as the heat intensified and the winds reached close to 30 mph on the highway. One of the best parts of racing is the having the opportunity to learn how to deal with the unexpected conditions and different demands of the course. Thankfully I have an amazing coach who has helped me prepare for these races, including the mindset required to push through uncomfortable situations. Challenges and all, I sincerely enjoyed this Texas bike course. I embraced the challenge it provided and pushed on to finish the bike as fast as I possibly could.

Next up was the 26.2 mile run around the 3 loop course. This run is one of the most beautiful and most supported courses to which I have ever been. The first loop, which was about 8 miles, went by quickly and I settled into a pace  I strived to maintain throughout the marathon. During the second loop, it became critical to maximize hydration and use every aid station to keep my body cool. I used ice and water every mile to get through the warm conditions of the day. The last 6 miles of the race are the most unforgettable and special moments of any race. I could feel the energy from all the spectators. I thought about all the intense training I had done to get to this point . I thought about everyone who believes in me. I thought about how proud I was in THAT moment for having battled through the race course. Those last 100 meters to the finish line, I could hear the crowds cheering louder and louder. All of a sudden, I felt goosebumps knowing I will soon hear the words “GABY HERRERA, YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!”. 

THIS was Ironman Texas 2022 ~

Gaby next competes in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho for the 70.3 mile course on June 26th. We could not be more proud to see the Zaga name on her tri kit as she runs, swims and bikes to victory. Check back in June for more!

Sandy Thompson